The session opened up my eyes to the benefits and possibilities of the use of VR in the classroom.
Reflections from the session:
My prior knowledge & experiences with VR:
I could differentiate between VR and AR - one replaces your vision (VR), one adds to your vision, i.e. virtual things superimposed onto reality (AR).
I experimented with the use of Google Cardboard (reflection here) when teaching the topic on floods.
What I learnt about VR (both directly/indirectly from the session):
1. Types of VR: (enjoy the image that I textboxed over to include description & example haha)
2. Use of VR in the classroom:
In terms of active learning processes (ALPs):
VR can be a good tool to activate learning by bringing the world to the classroom.
E.g. Sec 2 topic on Housing - It is unlikely that students have visited slums/ seen what the living conditions there are like before, hence this VR video on a slum in the Philippines could be a good starting point for students to start exploring the concept of informal housing.
E.g. Sec 2 GI - students can take 360° pictures of their neighbourhood and annotate the amenities present.
Pros of annotating on 360° pictures vs 2D images - can better appreciate proximity of features and location!
VR can also be used to facilitate demonstration of learning, where students apply what they have learnt in collaboratively creating VR prototypes.
E.g. Stage 5 of GI (taking action). (Student artefacts from TWSS: CoSpaces Edu)
In terms of key affordances of technology (KATs):
The use of VR to represent/visualise abstract concepts can allow students to discern patterns and infer generalisations in fostering conceptual change. (a transformative experience!)
One of the presenters shared that she did a pre- and post-evaluation of students' understanding of informal housing (after showing them the above VR video on slums ^), and she noticed that the students' descriptions of slums were much more vivid after the VR experience. This shows the power of the VR stimulus in leaving a lasting impression on them.
In terms of role of teachers and students in the learning process:
Teachers are facilitators in learning, NOT arbitrators of knowledge.
There is value in 'outsourcing' the curation of resources to students (co-construction of knowledge) - thoughtful curation is also a form of demonstration of learning. Student autonomy! Promote ownership over learning!
"Until students own their learning, learning doesn’t take place."
3. Other cool ideas shared by the presenters/other participants from the session:
Use of ArcGIS StoryMaps - students create layers to show e.g. where the existing rubbish bins/other amenities in the neighbourhood are, and making suggestions to improve the neighbourhood (Inquiry Question: How can we make the neighbourhood a better place to live, work and play?
Use of Lapentor - VR platform where students can annotate 360° photos
4. My reflections from the session:
"What will our Geography classrooms look like in 10 years’ time?"
Students will be immersed in learning experiences that will help them better understand the world around them.
VR experiences can help COMPLEMENT physical/on-site experiences.
"I used to think… Now I think… So next I will…"
I used to think that teachers would be the main curators of resources (especially when it interactives like games/VR videos).
Now I think that there is great value in involving students in the curation and creation process.
So next I will take steps towards working with students in curating/creating VR prototypes (very viable baby steps would be getting them to curate VR videos related to the syllabus + annotating 360° photos).
5. Resources from the session:
(Putting this here to remind myself that I can use filters when finding VR resources on YouTube haha)
Notes from reading PICRAT Model for Technology Integration in Teacher Preparation
Was introduced to the PICRAT model during the session, and was quite intrigued. I personally feel that it is a more intuitive model to use when reflecting on my use of tech in the classroom, since it is both student-focused and pedagogy driven (vs SAMR, which seems more design-focused).
Model's belief:
Lasting and impactful learning occurs only when students are interactively engaged through exploration, experimentation, collaboration, and other active behaviours. (active learning!)
Unpacking the model:
E.g. CT = teacher using tech to transform her practice to do something that would have been impossible without the technology; students using tech as a tool for creation.
Classifying practice according to RAT:
Example of activities mapped to PICRAT:
Notes from reading up on Embodied Learning
Embodied Learning:
Pedagogical approach that focuses on the non-mental factors involved in learning, and that signal the importance of the body and feelings.
Use of the body during lessons in order to stimulate the involvement of students.
Key pedagogical principles:
Body and mind cooperate in the learning process.
Action and thinking are intertwined.
There is a connection between movements and concepts.
**Studies have shown greater emotional involvement in students involved in physical activities than those in sedentary scenarios.
Possible application to embodied learning:
Games that include movement – e.g. AR and VR devices and games that immerse the player/learner deep into movement and make them be in the scene rather than being just an outside observer.
Just like what Theophilia mentioned during the sharing (and what I have experienced from playing around with the Oculus myself), even observing another person using the VR headset is very very different from experiencing it for oneself! The experience is so immersive/'real' that I am sure would leave a very lasting impression on students when they are exploring the topic/concept at hand. [I really got scared when 'supermanning' across the globe + when seeing the vastness/steep slopes of Mt Fuji HAHAHAHA]
Ideas I would like to try out!
In general: Getting students to do pre- and post-evaluation of their understanding on a particular concept/topic after interacting with a VR stimulus (e.g. 360° video). Would be interesting to analyse the results.
Sec 2 Housing GI Stage 5: Get students in each group to take on a certain persona when designing their neighbourhood (e.g. 1 elderly, 1 wheelchair-bound person, 1 child, 1 environmentally conscious person)
Rationale: an attempt to exemplify different elements of sustainability - i.e. social, economic, environmental sustainability.
Plan a lesson involving the use of the Oculus headset! [Updates to this will be in a separate post hehe]