Notes from the symposium:
1. Keynote by Prof. Ben Horton, EOS Director
IPCC AR6 Report:
1. Realities of climate change
Climate change is real; rate of climate change is accelerating
One very observable consequence would be the rising global mean seal level; projections of GMSL for 2100 as seen in the third slide
2. Processes driving sea levels
Sea levels are driven by a variety of processes at different scales
Effects of climate change will be experienced differently (across time and space)
3. IPCC AR6 Scenarios
SSP1-1.9 = closest to what we are fighting for in Paris Agreement)
SSP5.85 = BAU levels
4. Future sea levels - Spatial variability of sea level rise:
Singapore - close to global mean
Oslo VS New York - Glacial isostatic subsidence experienced by New York
Glacial isostatic adjustment: the ongoing movement of land once burdened by ice-age glaciers; even though the ice retreated long ago, North America is still rising where the massive layers of ice pushed it down.
Manila - groundwater withdrawal due to agricultural expansion → exacerbate effects of sea level rise
5. Summary
* Q&A:
Consider: Delivering/presenting the complexities of climate change to students
Let them make sense of the policies’ benefits and challenges and decide for themselves (after seeing the whole truth)
Consider: Issue of equity?
i.e. not just LDCs vs DCs, but lower SES students and higher SES students
Talks about electric cars when it is nowhere near their reality → students are unable to engage at this level as a result
2. SEAB Sharing - Enhancing Teachers’ Assessment Literacy through the Qualitative Analysis of N(A) & O-Level Geography Scripts
Pre-emptive formative assessment
Plugging learning gaps BEFORE the summative assessment; providing timely feedback (prevent cumulation of learning gaps, especially when prior knowledge is important in their next phase of learning)
Plan lessons with potential misconceptions in mind
Use learning gap taxonomy to give targeted feedback
Groundwork: Compile lists of slips/other learning gaps
Post-assessment Involve students in the assessment review process → review work in relation to the slips (checklist; side-by-side) (EOY MRS)
How to use Examiners’ Report:
Refer to exam syllabus: identify the skill the question requires student to demonstrate?
Identify strengths, weaknesses
3. Using Blended Learning to Deepen Learning in Health and Diseases
Kranji Secondary School
Shared lesson resource:
(Thanks Jieying for sharing your notes from attending this session!)
Incorporating existing games into lesson
Plague Inc app game
Real time strategy stimulation game
Player can indirectly controls a plague, create and evolve a pathogen to eliminate human population with pandemic
Opponent is ‘human’ developing cure for the plague
Teaching & learning (Play Plague Inc)
Test out with a small group of students, have them play the game for a few rounds before actual lesson to decide on the best country to start the plague
Requires fair bit of time to complete the series of learning activities → have students play the game asynchronously or embed learning activities in SLS
Extend the lesson idea below to other games:
What other lessons can be conducted using this blended learning approach?