Understanding Design of Social Studies (SS) Assessment in an Issues-Based Curriculum
Notes from Ms Tang's sharing with the department:
SBCS ≠ does not require content (content can be used as a frame to unpack case study)
SRQ 6 = must be SG-based
SRQ 7 = Case studies in extract must be from coursebook
Comparison - Complexity: Comparing textual source against visual source adds to demand
Utility - Complexity: Requires beyond content analysis (e.g. cross-reference, provenance explained, etc.)
Evaluation (EX): Complexity - HIGH
Requires addressing a given specific statement/focus.
Requires developing another focus of case study (as statement/focus of question is different from main issue discussed in the case study).
Requires good overall understanding of case study. Requires consideration of two key elements: Evidence and Explanation.
Involves critical analysis of sources for bonus marks (+2).
SRQ 6: Response Strategy - HIGH
Need to devise own approach. Requires decision on how to develop a response as there are varied reasons and varied ways to develop the reasons (open & flexible).
Importance of organisation of response for effective communication.
SRQ 7 (NA): Response Strategy - MODERATE
Organisation of response is straightfoward (by factors; description; explanation).
Needs to devise own approach in providing explanations.
SRQ 7 (EX): Response Strategy - HIGH
Needs to devise own approach in providing explanations.
Needs to devise own approach in weighing relative importance of factors or giving balanced conclusion on the issue.
Importance of organisation of response for effective communication.
Myths: SBCS
"Marks assigned to questions on similar skills should remain the same." No, depends on C3R.
"Utility/Reliability questions should always be a Question 4 (should not be a Question 1,2,3)." No.
"The approach to respond to Message/ Inference/ Why Purpose questions is exactly the same." No.
Message/ Inference = author
Purpose = outcome
"Common criterion must be established for both similarity and difference." No.
Difference = common criterion
Similarity = basis of comparison
"Cross-referencing is always the very top level in LORMs." No. Other possibilities include critical analysis of provenance.
"Students should not use the words/phrases from the source as part of the explanation for Question 5." It's alright to lift technical terms/phrases.
"Templatised approaches help students to respond to questions effectively." No; scaffolds would be more helpful (e.g. annotating for WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY)
"National marking is lenient." No.
"Students are penalised for answers that use ‘I learn’ and not ‘I infer’, even though the inference they give is valid; In establishing reliability of a source, responses which do not use words such as ‘prove’ or ‘reliable’ are also penalised." No. Answers are marked holistically.
"Cross reference (utility/reliability) to biased sources is allowed." (reference to 2020 'O' Source C)
biased ≠ unreliable
biased = agenda for self/ stands to gain
not biased = agenda for greater good
True or False: SRQ
TRUE: Question 6 does not always have to be ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions.
FALSE: The examples in responses to Question 6 must be specific and detailed.
Needs to be relevant & support point made.
FALSE: Explanations for Question 6 are always outcome-driven.
FALSE: Information in Extracts 2 and 3 can include information/ materials from outside the coursebook.
TRUE: Students can use information in Extracts 2 and 3 in their response to Question 7.
Yes, but require extension of ideas.
FALSE: Responses to Question 7 must only include materials from the coursebook.
FALSE: Both Questions 6 and 7 must be on Singapore.
Only Question 6 must be SG-based.
TRUE: The two factors for Question 7 have to be directly from the coursebook.
Key Learning Points:
Link to Resources: Understanding Design of SS Assessment Workshop